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Pertama, selamat dulu buat partisipan kita yang akhirnya menempati posisi pertama LOMBA SURAT CINTA MICROBES 2012 :))

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Surat Bertha menyatakan a deep love and relationship..
Ditulis dengan bahasa Inggris, jadi terkesan lebih romantis.
Semoga surat ini bisa menemani teman-teman yang masih jomblo dan nggak dapet surat cinta.. hihi.

Here you GO! :)

Dear you…

It’s been a while since the first time we laid eyes upon each other and felt the inexplicable spark. The same spark that glued us together until time undetermined. The spark that some call love, mutual feelings, or whatever. But all I know is that the spark is here nevertheless, always present, always bright and warm.

You were the one who pulled me out of my misery, even when I refused to step out of it. You were there, waiting oh-so-patiently for me, always lending a hand, even when I refuse to take it. Back then, I was not so sure of how I felt… For the other “he” held my heart too fast, even without him knowing it.

But now, things change. Many things have changed since then. Like magic only told in fantasies and games, you swept me off my feet with your love and care. The love and care that seems to have no ending, fueled with nothing but the want to be with me…

I am smitten, thwarted, enthralled by such pure love. Like no other, you took me to places I have never been, shown me the other side of the world unlike any I have seen. You painted the colors of love on my ruined canvas, turning it into an enchanted masterpiece of a painting. What you have done is magic, a miracle at its best!

Surely, what I have done in return is in no way comparable towards your deeds of love. But a promise I will hold true, which is to never cease to try and love you, just like the way you me.

Thank you for all the love, for all the trust, for all the care. You have been a huge part of my life, and so will you be in our years to come. J

Me. J

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